5 Charities to Support this Christmas

By Alissa Naydenova

Growing up, you have probably read Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Match Girl”. It is the story of a young girl selling matches on New Year’s Eve as she sees people celebrating with their families in the warmth of their homes while she freezes to death. This fairy tale sadly illustrates the struggles of many during the winter period. With the world torn by wars and political crises, many organisations are working to make a change, and here is our selection of charities getting in the Christmas spirit by giving back to those in need.

  1. OXFAM’s Gaza Crisis Appeal

Over the past months, the conflict in the Middle East has killed more than 15,500 civilians. Oxfam is collecting donations to provide clean water, food, sanitation, and hygiene products for the victims of this humanitarian catastrophe. Whether you support Palestine or Israel, during this Christmas period, help someone get access to basic human necessities by donating here!

2. Refuge: “Empowering women to live without violence and fear.

If you don’t feel like supporting charities outside the United Kingdom, we’ve got you! Refuge is the largest domestic abuse organization in the country, supporting over 1,000 women. To help them through the winter, you can either make a one- time donation or contribute monthly as much as you can. This Christmas, every donation will be matched to reach a goal of ÂŁ250K! Donate here.

3. Crisis at Christmas

Most of us have families to go home to during Christmas, but not everyone is so lucky. Crisis at Christmas aims to “provide warm meals, shelter, support, and companionship to those experiencing homelessness.”. In 2022, they helped 3,484 people who would have been otherwise on the icy streets during Christmas. Crisis has locations in England, Wales, and Scotland and works all year round on different projects to stop homelessness. If your budget is tight and donating isn’t an option, you can always apply for a volunteering position, cooking or delivering meals! Donate here!

4. Age UK: The Telephone Friendship Service

Keeping it even less political and more budget-friendly, give 30 minutes of your week to older people. As people age, they sometimes find themselves alone around Christmas, and a simple phone call can make their day! Age UKmatches volunteers with someone 60 or over, bringing them joy and a new friend for the holiday. Donate here.

5. BookTrust: “Getting children reading”

If none of these causes have made your heart melt, children should finally do it! Many families in the UK do not have the means to buy their children gifts, let alone the luxury of books. BookTrust aims to deliver book parcels to food banks across the country, giving children food and a Christmas gift. If you want to donate, click here!

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