SU Leadership Elections 2022

SU Leadership Elections 2022

What is it?

Last week marked the beginning of election season here at the University of Essex. Over the next week, Rebel will be hosting and moderating eight debates for the candidates who are hoping to court your vote and become the next leaders of the Student Union. Students will be able to vote for both full-time sabbatical roles and the East 15 President role in Loughton.

The SU Leadership race is essential, not only because it represents student democracy in action but because the candidates voted in will be able to make a real difference in our Essex community.

Questions asked to candidates in our debates will cover all the topics students care about and want to see implemented for the following year. Some of the issues the candidates have vowed to take on centre around student safety on campus, climate commitments, quality of education, support for international students, and exciting new initiatives to make the student experience even better!

Campaigning has kicked off this week, with voting opening on the 15th of March and closing on the 17th of March. The results will then be announced on the 18th. All students are eligible to vote with the exception of certain roles.

The full list of candidates, including their biographies can be found at

When are the debates?

Friday 11th March – 12PM VP Welfare , 6PM VP International

Monday 14th March – 12PM VP Community & Engagement, 3PM – VP Education , 6PM- VP Student experience

Tuesday 15th March – 6PM SU President

What are the different roles up for grabs?

SU President 

The SU president leads the student Union and has an integral role in working with the universities leadership and the elected sabbatical officers to ensure students’ voices are being amplified and heard at the highest level. The SU president is the chair of the trustee board, which gives them responsibility for the SU’s financial security.

Meet the candidates for President 

George Dixon 

Nashwa Alsakka 

Samira-Caterina Monteleone 

Ryan Pope 

VP Student experience 

The VP student experience is responsible for the oversight of student activities and opportunities, with the aim of creating an enjoyable and successful student experience for all. This role works mainly in V team, sports, and societies, just play, RAG and Rebel.

The VP will also sit on the Essex sports boards, and will be the President of the Blades.

Meet the candidates for VP student experience 

Jasmine Vincnet 

Jett Clark 

Kobbie Agyemang

Olivia Smead 

Patricia Popa

Robert Weir 

Tanyel Mustafa

Dan Rogers 

VP Community &  engagement 

The VP Community & engagement is one of the newer leadership roles, but it’s an important one. The VP will be responsible for representing student communities on all committees and working with a team of student community officers across all three campuses.

Liaison with the diversity, equality and inclusion teams is a big part of this role, and the successful candidate will likely demonstrate that they are an ally of all communities in Essex. 

Meet the candidates for VP community & engagement 

Sophie Kambangu

Flazzi Olamide

Grace Bennett 


VP Welfare 

The VP welfare has a crucial role, as they are responsible for the welfare of all students at the University of Essex. They will work to have structures and procedures in place to ensure student welfare needs are upheld, and they are responsible for providing the right information and support to students, whether legal, financial or health. They play a pivotal role in identifying student concerns and relaying these concerns to the appropriate bodies for action to be taken.

Meet the candidates for VP Welfare

Jade Marie Long 

Dorothy Akuamoa 

VP Education 

The VP Education has responsibility for ensuring all Essex students are receiving the best education at Essex. They will scrutinise academic policy to make sure it is representing SU members. Any student concerns around the quality of education, will be brought to the attention of the VP Education.

Meet the candidates for VP Education 

Joseph Marler 

Kieron Franks 

Callum Broadbent 

Angela Kokic Brnicevic 

VP International 

VP International represents issues affecting our International students, and to represent them across all three campuses. They will be responsible for running events such as One World Essex, and will work closely with cultural societies, as well as the International student association. 

Meet the candidates for VP International 

Anda-Raluca Sandu

Raya El Sabbagh 

Marcus Wong 

VP Southend 

This role is centred around the needs and priorities of Essex students at the Southend campus. They will work with the other elected officials for Southend, and liaise with other officers and departments to make sure Southend’s needs are on the agenda!

Meet the candidates for VP Southend 

Ashahar Soomro

All the debates will be filmed and available to view via Rebel Social Media accounts. Don’t forgot voting open Tuesday 15th and closes Thursday 17th at 2pm!

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