I know myself
I don’t fall in love easily
I crave something real
Something real that gives me chills
And butterflies in my stomach
Something quite unusual
I know myself
I find myself in place of insecurity and disbelief
About whom I can be
I fear not being enough
Of not being confident
Of not looking mature and stereotypical
Although my soul feeds off from passion for wisdom and knowledge
I can’t still see me and the potential “someone”
When I still question my validation
And femininity
Behind the closed doors
And only cold shower can bring me back to life from these past traumas
I know me
I overanalyse and speculate
And when there is nothing left to analyse about my persona
I give my brain a new false story to formulate and a reason to stay
I have been quiet for too long
That is why I decided to play different game
I won’t be silent anymore
I understood my voice is beautiful
And even more beautiful when it’s loud
Louder than it used to be
To speak your truth is important
But even more when you tell the facts
For there is no right or wrong with facts
As they mean they cannot be denied
And misinformation can’t stand in the way
When you know you are on the right side of history
It’s over now
Me being fooled by my own imaginations
About love
About life
How I can fall in love with someone so easily
When it’s not even real
The secrets lie in knowing yourself first
You are more sain when you know your own expectations
But you must keep them realistic
Dream as high as the sky
But see things for what they are
We often don’t realize how beautiful we are
How some of our qualities are in fact unique
Crucial for the humankind
Or we do not realize how much our behaviour influences others in a positive way
Unless we hear it over and over again
And even then
Our distracted mind is still occupied with criticism instead of self-love
So, tell me
How many times we need to hear that we are so important for this world
So, we finally believe it
“The only way is to internalise this every day,
until one day you wake up and you feel like you were born again”