The WISTEM ( Women in Stem) society at the University of Essex has been nominated for the Bright Network’s Diversity & Inclusion Award. Running against three other societies, will they be recognised for their good work throughout these past years.
If you have been roaming the campus squares this past week, you may have seen the Essex Women in STEM Society running their voting booth. Members of the society took to the open spaces of campus with free chocolates to encourage support for their nomination.
This makes them the only University of Essex society nominated for this award in 2022. And, although voting has closed since Friday, Nov 2nd, the award itself will be announced on Dec 7th.
According to the WISTEM president, Chloe Tasker, the award is given to the society that best promotes inclusivity and diversity through its events and initiatives.
“We celebrate diversity in terms of people who study STEM,” she explains, expressing that despite the society focusing on women, it is not limited to only women.
“I want people to know we’re open to everyone, we say we’re the women in STEM society because that’s where our two lines cross, but all of our events are open and useful for everyone,” the president stated, encouraging people to get involved with WISTEM and all they have to offer.
In order to promote their nomination for the award, the Women in STEM members created a video detailing their commitment to inclusion and the motivation behind their work.
As stated in the video, women made up only 24% of STEM students in 2018, making them an underrepresented demographic in STEM.
Since the society’s inception in 2020, they have been hosting events offering support, particularly to women and non-binary STEM students such as study groups, employability workshops, discussions on campus with other women’s rights networks, and more. The society works to promote diversity in STEM and hopes to continue welcoming new members.
This award would be beneficial to their goals as if they win, they receive £1000 which will be put towards the events and functioning of the society. They would also make it through to the “Society of the Year” category, where another £1000 is on the table.
“It would be really great funding for us, so we can continue what we’ve been doing these past few years, and do more, and branch out, and get bigger,” the WISTEM President, Chloe, says.
You can connect with Women in Stem Essex through their social media pages or the Student Union website.